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At a Glance

  • A burial requires a "Certificate for Burial" issued by the Registrar of Birth and Deaths, or if a coroner was involved, an "Order for Burial" (please contact us if you need advice in this respect)
  • You may want to make use of an existing family grave or plot...
  • ... or you may wish to reserve a larger plot for future family use
  • Burial space can be limited and very expensive, especially in built up areas
  • Most burial plots are now sold on a system of leasehold, typically 50 or 75 years. This means that remains can be moved to another part of the cemetery once the lease has expired.
  • You may wish to consider more environmentally-friendly options such as woodland burials
  • Consider if you want a memorial headstone, or a new inscription on an existing one


Around thirty per cent of the population still choose to be buried in traditional churchyards and municipal cemeteries, which means that churches and municipal cemeteries have to find room for 160,000 new graves every year. However, a critical shortage of space in existing churchyards is developing and most urban and suburban churchyards no longer have space available. In addition, some of Britain's major cities are already running out of cemetery space to bury the dead. It is reported that inner London boroughs have only seven years before they are completely full and even in outer London boroughs, there is only 18 years left.

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